Policies Under Review
The following policies have been reviewed by the Board Policy Review Committee at the November 26, 2024 meeting. The policies are posted for stakeholder review as of December 6, 2024. Please submit your feedback to lzeleny@sgdsb.on.ca by January 6, 2025.
- P - 310 Records Information Management
- P - 402 Unauthorized Vehicles on Board Property
- P - 403 Students Handling Dangerous Substances (REDUNDANT)
- P - 413 Video Security Surveillance of Schools
- P - 533 Inclement Weather
- P - 546 Service Animals
- P - 602.1 Student Acceptable Use of Technology
- P - 602.2 Employee Acceptable Use of Technology
- P - 706 Health and Safety
*All policies are available in an accessible format and can be obtained by contacting boardoffice@sgdsb.on.ca