About Us

Jobs email no longer in use

This is an autogenerated response to advise you that the jobs@sgdsb.on.ca email address is no longer in use nor monitored.


As of October 26, 2020 all applications for employment with the Superior-Greenstone District School Board must be made through the Apply To Education platform.


Please visit http://superiorgreenstone.simplication.com/WLSBLogin.aspx.  You will be required to Create an Account.  Once you have done so you will then be able to search and apply for positions with our Board.  If you require assistance with the registration process, or have any questions, please contact Application To Education, Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 1-877-900-5627.


Thank you for your interest in Superior-Greenstone District School Board.  We wish you well in your job search endeavours.