Create an Online Account
Don't have an Community Use of Schools Facility Request online user account?
User groups interested in requesting facility use at any of Superior-Greenstone DSB schools must:
- designate adult representative (18 years or older) - Permit Account Holder. This designate must create an online user account and accept the corresponding Terms and Conditions on behalf of the user group.
- designate an adult representative (18 years or older) - Event Supervisor (may be the same person as Permit Account Holder) - who will need to be familiar with the Board's Policy 409 – Use of School Buildings and Equipment and associated Management Guidelines 409 – Use of Schools – Buildings and Equipment and be on site at all times during the group's activities.
- provide proof of liability insurance (minimum $5M aggregate per occurrence) at time of submitting facility request to ensure timely application approval.
Click the green highlighted Login link above, then the GET STARTED button.
Any issues or concerns creating and account, contact the Community Use of Schools Office. Allow for a 24hr response time.