
Supporting Essential Transitions

Transitions are defined as a process of a period of change.  Making the transition to a new learning setting can have an impact on families.  For both children and caregivers, transitions can lead to excitement, joy, uncertainty, and concerns.  During the early years of a child's life there are many transitions, with the entry to Kindergarten being one of the major ones.  At Superior-Greenstone District School Board, we continually work to support these transitions for students and families.  

"Children are competent, capable of complex thinking, curious, and rich in potential.  They grow up in families with diverse social, cultural, and linguistic perspectives.  Every child should feel that they belong, that they are a valuable contributor to their surroundings, and deserves the opportunities to succeed.  When we recognize children as capable and curious, we are more likely to deliver programs and services that value and build on their strengths and abilities."

Here are six principles that guide practice in Early Years settings: 

  1.   Positive experiences in early childhood set the foundation for lifelong learning, behaviour, health, & well-being.  
  2.   Partnerships with families and communities are essential.  
  3.   Respect for diversity, equity, and inclusion is vital.  
  4.   An intentional, planned program supports learning. 
  5.   Play and inquiry are learning approaches that capitalize on children's natural curiosity and exuberance. 
  6.   Knowledgeable, responsive, and reflective educators are essential.  


Transitions to Kindergarten Supports

  • Registration:  Registration can be done online through our school board website.  Registration forms will also be available at your local public school in your community.  
  • Events:  Welcome to Kindergarten events begin in February!  Invites will come from your local school.  Meet other families, explore the classroom and get to know the staff. 
  • First Rider Program :  In August, families are invited to come and ride the school bus, meet the bus driver, and learn school bus safety!
  • A Personal Approach:  It is important that your child has a seamless transition into Kindergarten.  Contact your local school to set up a meeting with your child's educators to ensure they know everything about your child. 
  • Special Education:  All children, including those with special education needs, have the right to attend school.  School teams are experienced in working with a child's care team to ensure all supports are in place when a child begins their education journey with us. 
  • Early ON & Child Care Facilities:  Many of our schools are home to amazing EarlyON and childcare programs for families.  Our staff work as partners with these organizations to ensure for a seamless transition for your child. 

When it comes to helping children navigate transitions, the key is to create a sense of safety and security for your child and their developing brain.  As parents, we can be more helpful to our kids if we acknowledge that transitions are a big life step for adults as well as their children.  Think about what will help through this developmental milestone, whether that's information, support from friends and family, networking at the new school, etc.  We encourage parents to do what you need to do for you, so you can be at your best for your kids.  Our Kindergarten Transitions Fact Sheet includes several tips for Parents' Transition to Kindergarten.  

Kindergarten Fact Sheet


For more information about our kindergarten program and how we support the transition to school, please watch our Welcome to Kindergarten video


Getting Involved in Your School Community

Caregivers play an important role in their child's learning and studies show that students achieve more success if their caregivers become involved in the school.  Superior-Greenstone District School Board offers caregivers multiple opportunities to become involved in their child's educational journey.  

  • Chat with educators during pick-up and drop-off. 
  • Join School Council. 
  • Join Parent Engagement Committee meetings and events. 
  • Attend school assemblies, events, field trips, etc. 
  • Spend time in your child's classroom or volunteer to teach a skill you have.  
  • Attend parent information events, student-led conferences, etc. 
  • Volunteer to support the breakfast/snack program. 
  • Follow your child's school and/or the school board's social media pages to keep updated on school events. 
  • Check your child's backpack everyday for any notes that might come home.  

Joining a new school community can be intimidating for caregivers.  Reach out to a friend or another new parent and join an activity together!  


Let Us Know Your Thoughts

As we continually strive to enhance our programming, we would like to know if you feel that Superior-Greenstone does a good job in supporting transitions such as the transition to Kindergarten, Grade 8-9, and post-secondary school?  If yes, what do we do well?   If now, is there a transition opportunity that we are missing?  Please let us know your thoughts through the ThoughtExchange link. 

ThoughtExchange Survey Link