
Connecting to Learning

Internet and Cell Phone Access Information

During these unprecedented times, for our safety, we are asked to remain socially distant to stop the spread of COVID-19.  Thanks to available technologies and the generosity of some of our area service providers, we are able to remain connected dispite our physical distances.   The following information is intended to help our students connect to the available learning opportunities or to stay socially connected with their teacher and classmates during the school shut down period, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  To discuss any barriers you are facing with access to internet connection, please contact the Principal of your child’s school to discuss any available solutions.


We are pleased to share that all our schools in Superior-Greenstone District School Board are now WIFI hotspots for ALL members of our communities!  We recognize in these challenging times, that access to WIFI is important and we hope that by providing free, open access to our WIFI, we can assist you in staying connected. 

Due to the current school closures, the WIFI can only be accessed from outside of our school buildings.  Please practice safe physical distancing when accessing our WIFI to ensure that all our community members remain safe and healthy.



Shaw Internet Services

Shaw has WIFI hotspots available for some of their communities.  To view the map of communities with Free WIFI locations please view their website at https://www.shaw.ca/internet/wifi 

Shaw has announced that it will automatically provide two months credit to all its customers currently signed up to the ‘Connecting Families’ plan amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The Connecting Families program, which was designed by the Government of Canada, aims to connect low-income Canadian families with internet service.  Shaw is currently one of nine service providers voluntarily contributing to the initiative by offering $10 internet service to eligible families who currently receive the maximum Canada Child Benefit.  The Connecting Families Program information is available here at:  https://support.shaw.ca/t5/internet-articles/nov-12-connecting-families-program/ta-p/5571

As a Shaw customer, you may have received notification of an upcoming service rate adjustment for Internet, Home Phone and select TV add-on services effective June 1.  Shaw has advised that they have made the decision to postpone the previously announced residential service rate adjustment.  To contact customer service, please click here to discuss your account with a respresentative at https://www.shaw.ca/contact-us/

Xplornet Internet Services

Xplornet has announced that it will be waiving anyresidential customers overage charges for data used starting March 17 - May 31, 2020.  This will automatically be applied to their customers account.  

For more information please visit https://www.xplornet.com/about/news/update-on-covid-19/


Connecting Families program, which was designed by the Government of Canada, aims to connect low-income Canadian Families with internet service.  Families receiving the maximum Canada Child Benefit may be eligible to receive internet service for $10 a month (plus tax).   For more information about the Connecting Families program, or to apply, please visit the Government of Canada website at the following link:  https://www.connecting-families.ca/  and https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/111.nsf/eng/h_00002.html 

Cell Phone and Internet Access Programs

The following Cell Phone and Internet Access Program information has been provided by the Barriers to Employment and Training Working Group and Collaborative Partners:


The Connecting Families Program


This is a federal program designed to help get families connected digitally.  Contact them at www.connecting-families.ca for additional information. 


RT Tech-Provides low income persons in training or school with a refurbished computer


RCTech Outreach accessible at http://www.rcto.ca/programs for additional program details.


**This section will be updated regularly to reflect the programs available.