
500 Schools & Students

Policy Title
501 .PDF File  Visitors to School
502 .PDF File  Ontario Student Records
502 .PDF File  Ontario Student Records Management Guideline
503 .PDF File  Interviewing Students
505 .PDF File  Field Trips and Excursions
505 .PDF File  Field Trips and Excursions Management Guideline
508 .PDF File  Administration of Medication to Students
508 .PDF File  Administration of Medication to Students Management Guideline
509 .PDF File  Fund Raising
509 .PDF File  Fund Raising Management Guideline
510 .PDF File  Suspected Child Abuse
511 .PDF File  Student Questionnaires
512 .PDF File  Student Exchanges
515 .PDF File  School Council
516 .PDF File  Safe Arrivals Program
516 .PDF File  Safe Arrivals Management Guideline
518 .PDF File  Emergency Procedures
520 .PDF File  Student Code of Conduct
520 .PDF File  Student Code of Conduct - Procedural Guideline
521 .PDF File  Community Involvement Activities
521 .PDF File  Community Involvement Activities Management Guideline
522 .PDF File  Scholarships and Trust Funds
522 .PDF File  Scholarships and Trust Funds Management Guideline
523 .PDF File  Work Education Program
524 .PDF File  Sabrina's Law - Anaphylaxis
526 .PDF File  Managing Information for Student Achievement (MISA)
526 .PDF File  Managing Information for Student Achievement (MISA) Management Guideline
527 .PDF File  Voluntary Aboriginal Student Self-Identification
528 .PDF File  Parental Involvement Committee
531 .PDF File  Fire Safety Plans (PDF)
531 .PDF File  Fire Safety Plans Management Guideline (PDF)
532 .PDF File  Bomb Threat Response
532 .PDF File  Bomb Threat Response Management Guideline
533 .PDF File  Inclement Weather
534 .PDF File  Boil Water Advisory
536 .PDF File  Equity and Inclusive Education
536 .PDF File  Equity and Inclusive Education Management Guideline
538 .PDF File  Food and Beverage
538 .PDF File  Food and Beverage Management Guideline
539 .PDF File  Indigenous Education Advisory Committee
540 .PDF File  Pediculosis Control (Head Lice)
540 .PDF File  Pediculosis Control (Head Lice)  Management Guideline
541 .PDF File Concussion
541 .PDF File Concussion Management Guideline and Protocol
542 .PDF File Ryan's Law (Asthma)
543 .PDF File Lockdown Policy
544 .PDF File English Language Learners:  ESL and ELD
544 .PDF File English Language Learners:  ESL and ELD Management Guideline
545 .PDF File Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools
545 .PDF File Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools Management Guideline
546 .PDF File Service Animals in Schools
546 .PDF File Service Animals in Schools Management Guideline
547 .PDF File Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
547 .PDF File Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Management Guideline


*All policies are available in an accessible format and can be obtained by contacting boardoffice@sgdsb.on.ca